
Contains functions which are needed to run the runner script, but nowhere else.

class ManifoldMarketManager.application.State(application: Optional[Application] = None, last_response: Response = Response.NO_ACTION, last_text: str = '')[source]

Bases: object

Keeps track of global state for while the Telegram Bot is running.

application: Application = None
last_response: Response = 1
last_text: str = ''
ManifoldMarketManager.application._print_uncaught_args(kwargs: dict[str, Any]) None[source]
async ManifoldMarketManager.application.buttons(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE) None[source]

Parse the CallbackQuery and update the message text.

ManifoldMarketManager.application.create_command(**kwargs: Any) int[source]

Create markets from a file, then import them.

ManifoldMarketManager.application.edit_command(**kwargs: Any) int[source]

Edit a market from a temporary file or repl.

ManifoldMarketManager.application.import_command(**kwargs: Any) int[source]

Import markets from a file without creating any.

ManifoldMarketManager.application.list_command(stats: bool = False, verbose: int = 0, sig_figs: int = 4, **kwargs: Any) int[source]

List markets from the database in varying verbosity.

ManifoldMarketManager.application.loop_command(period: float = 5, times: float = 5, **kwargs: Any) int[source]

Run this service multiple times.

ManifoldMarketManager.application.parse_args(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) Namespace[source]

Parse arguments for the CLI.

ManifoldMarketManager.application.quick_create_command(**kwargs: Any) int[source]

Quickly create a single market without need for a file, then import it.

ManifoldMarketManager.application.quick_import_command(url: str | None = None, slug: str | None = None, id_: str | None = None, rel_date: str | None = None, random_index: bool = False, random_seed: bool = False, random_rounds: int = 1, round_: bool = False, current: bool = False, index_size: int | None = None, pr_slug: str | None = None, pr_bin: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) int[source]

Import a single market using the old-style arguments.

ManifoldMarketManager.application.remove_command(ids: list[int], assume_yes: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) int[source]

Remove markets from the database.

ManifoldMarketManager.application.run_command(refresh: bool = False, console_only: bool = False, scanners: list[str] = None, **kwargs: Any) int[source]

Go through our markets and take actions if needed.

ManifoldMarketManager.application.scan_command(**kwargs: Any) int[source]

Scan services for markets to create.

ManifoldMarketManager.application.watch_reply(conn: Connection, id_: int, mkt: Market, console_only: bool = False) None[source]

Watch for a reply from the bot manager in order to check the bot’s work.