
Contains utility functions.

class ManifoldMarketManager.util.DictDeserializable[source]

Bases: object

A port of PyManifold’s DictDeserializable that does not check against the signature.

classmethod from_dict(env: ModJSONDict) T[source]

Take a dictionary and return an instance of the associated class.

ManifoldMarketManager.util.dynamic_import(fname: str, mname: str, __all__: MutableSequence[str], exempt: Collection[str]) None[source]

Dynamically import submodules and add them to the export list.

ManifoldMarketManager.util.explain_abstract(time_rules: Iterable[Rule[Any]], value_rules: Iterable[Rule[Any]], **kwargs: Any) str[source]

Explain how the market will resolve and decide to resolve.

ManifoldMarketManager.util.fibonacci(start: int = 1) Iterable[int][source]

Iterate over the fibonacci numbers.

ManifoldMarketManager.util.get_client(account: Optional[Account] = None) ManifoldClient[source]

Return a (possibly non-unique) Manifold client.

ManifoldMarketManager.util.hash_to_randrange(buff: bytes, *args: int, **kwargs: int) int[source]

Generate a ‘random’ number by hashing a buffer.

ManifoldMarketManager.util.market_to_answer_map(market: Market | APIMarket, exclude: Collection[int] = (), *filters: Callable[[int, float], bool]) dict[int, float][source]

Given a market, grab its current list of answers and put it in a standardized format, applying given filters.


marketMarket | PyManifold.lib.Market

The market wrapper for which we want the current answer pool.

excludeCollection[int], optional

Some collection of ids to exclude. Preferrably a set() or range(). by default ()

filters*Callable[[int, float], bool]

A collection of functions which will be fed the answer ID and probability. If any return True, that answer is excluded. By default ()


Mapping[int, float]

A mapping of integer ids to probabilities in [0…1]. Note that Manifold expects ids as strings, but they are returned as integers for ease of processing. Note also that this mapping is NOT normalized.



If a non-supported market is fed

ManifoldMarketManager.util.normalize_mapping(answers: Mapping[T, float]) dict[T, float][source]

Take a mapping of answers and normalize it such that the sum of their weights is 1.

ManifoldMarketManager.util.require_env(*env: str) Callable[[Callable[..., T]], Callable[..., T]][source]

Enforce the presence of environment variables that may be necessary for a function to properly run.

ManifoldMarketManager.util.round_sig_figs(num: float, sig_figs: int = 4) str[source]

Round a number to the specified number of significant figures, then return it as a str.

ManifoldMarketManager.util.round_sig_figs_f(num: float, sig_figs: int = 4) float[source]

Round a number to the specified number of significant figures, then return it as a float.