
Contain rules that reference things on Manifold Markets.

class ManifoldMarketManager.rule.manifold.ManifoldMarketMixin(id_: str = None, slug: Optional[str] = None, url: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: object

A mixin class that holds the access to a Manifold market.

api_market(client: Optional[ManifoldClient] = None, market: Optional[Market] = None) APIMarket[source]

Return an APIMarket object associated with this rule’s market.

f_api_market(client: Optional[ManifoldClient] = None, market: Optional[Market] = None) Future[APIMarket][source]

Return a Futures which resolves to the APIMarket object associated with this rule’s market.

id_: str
slug: Optional[str]
url: Optional[str]