Source code for ManifoldMarketManager.util

"""Contains utility functions."""

from __future__ import annotations

from hashlib import blake2b
from importlib import import_module
from itertools import count
from logging import getLogger, warn
from math import ceil
from os import getenv
from pathlib import Path
from sys import modules
from traceback import print_exc
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from pymanifold.lib import ManifoldClient
from pymanifold.types import Market as APIMarket
from pymanifold.utils.math import (number_to_prob_cpmm1, pool_to_number_cpmm1, pool_to_prob_cpmm1,  # noqa: F401

from .consts import Outcome

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from typing import (Any, Callable, Collection, Iterable, Mapping, MutableSequence, Optional, Sequence, Type,
                        TypeVar, Union)

    from . import Market, Rule
    from .account import Account

    ModJSONType = Union[int, float, bool, str, None, Rule[Any], Sequence['ModJSONType'], Mapping[str, 'ModJSONType']]
    ModJSONDict = Mapping[str, ModJSONType]
    T = TypeVar("T")

[docs]class DictDeserializable: """A port of PyManifold's DictDeserializable that does not check against the signature."""
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls: Type[T], env: ModJSONDict) -> T: """Take a dictionary and return an instance of the associated class.""" return cls(**env)
[docs]def hash_to_randrange(buff: bytes, *args: int, **kwargs: int) -> int: """Generate a 'random' number by hashing a buffer.""" active_range = range(*args, **kwargs) size = len(active_range) mask = 2**size - 1 byte_length = ceil((size - 1).bit_length() / 8) ret: int for idx in count(): hashobj = blake2b(buff, digest_size=byte_length, salt=str(idx).encode()) as_int = int.from_bytes(hashobj.digest(), 'little') & mask if as_int < size: ret = active_range[as_int] break return ret
[docs]def fibonacci(start: int = 1) -> Iterable[int]: """Iterate over the fibonacci numbers.""" x = 0 y = 1 for _ in range(start): x, y = y, x + y while True: yield x x, y = y, x + y
[docs]def market_to_answer_map( market: Market | APIMarket, exclude: Collection[int] = (), *filters: Callable[[int, float], bool] ) -> dict[int, float]: """Given a market, grab its current list of answers and put it in a standardized format, applying given filters. Parameters ---------- market : Market | PyManifold.lib.Market The market wrapper for which we want the current answer pool. exclude : Collection[int], optional Some collection of ids to exclude. Preferrably a set() or range(). by default () filters : *Callable[[int, float], bool] A collection of functions which will be fed the answer ID and probability. If any return True, that answer is excluded. By default () Returns ------- Mapping[int, float] A mapping of integer ids to probabilities in [0...1]. Note that Manifold expects ids as strings, but they are returned as integers for ease of processing. Note also that this mapping is NOT normalized. Raises ------ RuntimeError If a non-supported market is fed """ mkt: APIMarket = market # type: ignore[assignment] if not isinstance(market, APIMarket): mkt = if mkt.outcomeType not in Outcome.MC_LIKE(): raise RuntimeError("Cannot extract a mapping from binary markets") assert mkt.answers initial: dict[int, float] = {} answer: dict[str, str | float] for answer in mkt.answers: key = int(answer['id']) initial[key] = float(answer['probability']) return { key: value for key, value in initial.items() if key not in exclude and not any(f(key, value) for f in filters) }
[docs]def normalize_mapping(answers: Mapping[T, float]) -> dict[T, float]: """Take a mapping of answers and normalize it such that the sum of their weights is 1.""" total = sum(answers.values()) return {key: value / total for key, value in answers.items()}
[docs]def round_sig_figs(num: float, sig_figs: int = 4) -> str: """Round a number to the specified number of significant figures, then return it as a str.""" return f"%.{sig_figs}g" % (num, )
[docs]def round_sig_figs_f(num: float, sig_figs: int = 4) -> float: """Round a number to the specified number of significant figures, then return it as a float.""" return float(round_sig_figs(num, sig_figs))
[docs]def require_env(*env: str) -> Callable[[Callable[..., T]], Callable[..., T]]: """Enforce the presence of environment variables that may be necessary for a function to properly run.""" def bar(func: Callable[..., T]) -> Callable[..., T]: def foo(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> T: if not all(getenv(x) for x in env): getLogger(__file__).error(f"Cannot run, as one of ${env} is not in the environment") raise EnvironmentError("Please call 'source' first", env) return func(*args, **kwargs) return foo return bar
[docs]def get_client(account: Optional[Account] = None) -> ManifoldClient: """Return a (possibly non-unique) Manifold client.""" if not account: return ManifoldClient() return ManifoldClient(account.ManifoldToken)
[docs]def explain_abstract(time_rules: Iterable[Rule[Any]], value_rules: Iterable[Rule[Any]], **kwargs: Any) -> str: """Explain how the market will resolve and decide to resolve.""" ret = "This market will resolve if any of the following are true:\n" for rule_ in time_rules: ret += rule_.explain_abstract(**kwargs) ret += ("\nIt will resolve based on the following decision tree:\n" "- If the human operator agrees:\n") for rule_ in value_rules: ret += rule_.explain_abstract(indent=1, **kwargs) ret += ( "- Otherwise, a manually provided value\n\n" "Note that the bot operator reserves the right to resolve contrary to the purely automated rules to " "preserve the spirit of the market. All resolutions are first verified by the human operator." "\n\n" "The operator also reserves the right to trade on this market unless otherwise specified. Even if " "otherwise specified, the operator reserves the right to buy shares for subsidy or to trade for the " "purposes of cashing out liquidity.\n" ) return ret
[docs]def dynamic_import(fname: str, mname: str, __all__: MutableSequence[str], exempt: Collection[str]) -> None: """Dynamically import submodules and add them to the export list.""" for entry in Path(fname).parent.glob("[!.]*"): name =".py") if name in exempt: continue try: setattr(modules[mname], name, import_module("." + name, mname)) __all__.append(name) except ImportError: # pragma: no cover print_exc() warn(f"Unable to import extension module: {mname}.{name}")